School & Community Meetings

CANCELED Forest Park Construction Update Meeting

Location: Forest Park High School Construction Site 3701 Eldorado Avenue, Baltimore, MD (The meeting will be held in the construction trailer through the Belle Ave construction site entrance)

At this meeting City Schools and HESS Construction will present the latest on the construction of Forest Park High School and what to expect next. Participants will be given an overview of the site and construction process directly on site and have the opportunity to ask questions. 

All are encouraged to attend!

Calendar Date: 
Thursday, January 4, 2018 - 17:00

Pimlico Construction Update Meeting

Location: Langston Hughes Community, Business and Resource Center 5011 Arbutus Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215

As part of the opening of an on-going Park Heights Community-wide meeting, 21st Century School Buildings Program and Dustin Construction Company will provide updates on the status of construction of Pimlico Elementary/Middle School. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.

Calendar Date: 
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 - 18:00

John Ruhrah Concept Design Meeting

Location: John Ruhrah Elementary 701 Rappolla Street, Baltimore, MD 

The purpose of this meeting is to present and get input on the concept design from the school community. These are high-level drawings that indicate the architect’s approach for most elements of the school project.

City Schools and the design team are seeking as much input as possible at this meeting to incorporate into the first required submission to Baltimore City’s Urban Design and Architect Review Panel (UDARP).

Calendar Date: 
Wednesday, October 4, 2017 - 17:30

Robert W. Coleman Essential Elements Meeting

Location: Robert W. Coleman Elementary School 2400 Windsor Ave, Baltimore, MD

The purpose of this meeting is to connect building design conversations with key concepts for the 21st Century from the District's approved Educational Specifications, provide the community an opportunity to set priorities, and confirm the various workgroups.

The essential elements of modern, high quality schools meeting will include:

Calendar Date: 
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 17:15

Northwood Essential Elements & Project Status

Location: Northwood Elementary School 5201 Lock Raven Blvd. (inside school auditorium)

The purpose of this meeting is to connect building design conversations with key concepts for the 21st Century from the District's approved Educational Specifications, provide the community an opportunity to set priorities, and confirm the various workgroups.

The essential elements of modern, high quality schools meeting will include:

Calendar Date: 
Thursday, September 28, 2017 - 18:00


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