School & Community Meetings

Calvin M. Rodwell Community Dialogue Meeting

Location: Calvin Rodwell Elementary School 3501 Hillsdale Road, Baltimore, MD 21207

You’re invited to a community conversation to discuss upcoming changes in the Grove Park community related to the new building at Calvin Rodwell and bringing Grove Park & Calvin Rodwell students together as one school body. The discussion will be facilitated by the Community Conferencing Center, a neutral facilitator, with support from the 21st Century School Buildings Public Relations team.


Calendar Date: 
Tuesday, November 28, 2017 - 16:00

Robert Poole Building (Home to ACCE and Independence High Schools) Construction Update Meeting

Location: Roosevelt Recreation Center 1221 W. 36th Street, Baltimore, MD 21211

At this meeting, CAM Company will present the latest on the construction of the Robert Poole Building and what to expect next. Participants will be given an overview of the site and construction process and will have the opportunity to ask questions. 

Students, parents, neighbors, community leaders, etc. are all encouraged to attend this meeting. We value your input and participation!

Calendar Date: 
Thursday, February 8, 2018 - 17:30

Robert Poole Building (Home to ACCE and Independence High Schools) Construction Update Meeting

Location: Roosevelt Recreation Center 1221 W. 36th Street, Baltimore, MD 21211

City Schools invites ALL to participate in a discussion around School & Community Relationship Buildings and Academic Planning for ACCE and Independence High Schools. CAM Company will present the latest on construction and walk participants to the perimeter of the construction site to explain progress with the school building in view.

Calendar Date: 
Thursday, December 14, 2017 - 17:30

Dorothy I. Height (Formerly John Eager Howard) Update Meeting

Location: Beth Am Synagogue 2501 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, MD 21217 (enter on Chauncey St.)

As part of the on-going Reservoir Hill Improvement Association Meeting, City Schools and J. Vinton Schafer & Sons, Inc. will provide updates on progress of construction of Dorothy I. Height Elementary School (formerly John Eager Howard Elementary School).

All are encouraged to attend!

Calendar Date: 
Tuesday, November 28, 2017 - 18:30

Dorothy I. Height (Formerly John Eager Howard) Construction Update Meeting

Location: Beth Am Synagogue 2501 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, MD 21217 (enter on Chauncey St.)

As part of the on-going Reservoir Hill Improvement Association Meeting, City Schools and J. Vinton Schafer & Sons, Inc. will provide updates on progress of construction of Dorothy I. Height Elementary School (formerly John Eager Howard Elementary School).

All are encouraged to attend!

Calendar Date: 
Tuesday, October 24, 2017 - 18:00

Lyndhurst Construction Update Meeting

Location: New Covenant Church 700 Wildwood Parkway, Baltimore, MD 21229 

As part of the Lyndhurst Community Association meeting, City Schools and Turner Construction Company will present the latest on the construction of Lyndhurst Elementary/Middle School and what to expect next. 

All are encouraged to attend!

Calendar Date: 
Friday, December 8, 2017 - 18:00

Lyndhurst Construction Update Meeting

Location: New Covenant Church 700 Wildwood Parkway, Baltimore, MD 21229 

As part of the Lyndhurst Community Association meeting, City Schools and Turner Construction Company will present the latest on the construction of Lyndhurst Elementary/Middle School and what to expect next. 

All are encouraged to attend!

Calendar Date: 
Friday, November 10, 2017 - 18:00

Lyndhurst Construction Update Meeting

Location: New Covenant Church 700 Wildwood Parkway, Baltimore, MD 21229 

As part of the Lyndhurst Community Association meeting, City Schools and Turner Construction Company will present the latest on the construction of Lyndhurst Elementary/Middle School and what to expect next. 

All are encouraged to attend!

Calendar Date: 
Friday, October 13, 2017 - 18:00


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