School & Community Meetings

Medfield Heights Parent Transportation Meeting

The design of the new Medfield Heights building is complete and construction will be underway soon. At this meeting, the 21st Century School Buildings Program will share information with parents regarding yellow bus transportation to Medfield Heights’ temporary location, the Chinquapin Building.

All are welcome! Parents and students are encouraged to attend.

Calendar Date: 
Tuesday, June 11, 2019 - 17:30

Walter P. Carter Transportation Meeting

The design of the new Walter P. Carter building is complete and construction will be underway soon. At this meeting, the 21st Century School Buildings Program will share information with parents regarding yellow bus transportation to Walter P. Carter’s temporary location, the Winston Building.

All are welcome! Parents and students are encouraged to attend.

Calendar Date: 
Tuesday, June 4, 2019 - 17:30

Robert W. Coleman May Day & Schematic Design Review

Join the 21st Century School Buildings Program and RRMM-Lukmire Architects during Robert Coleman’s May Celebration for a presentation on the building design and floorplans. The presentation will be set up for the majority of the May Day celebration. Please stop by to review the plans, ask RRMM-Lukmire questions, and learn about plans to relocate Robert Coleman to its temporary location from the 21st Century Program. (RRMM-Lukmire will be available for questions from 10:00-11:00 am.)

Calendar Date: 
Friday, May 17, 2019 - 10:00

James Mosher Transportation & Relocation Meeting

The design of the new James Mosher building is complete and construction will be underway soon. At this meeting, the 21st Century School Buildings Program will share information with parents regarding yellow bus transportation to James Mosher’s temporary location, the Garrison Building.

All are welcome! Parents and students are encouraged to attend.

Calendar Date: 
Tuesday, April 30, 2019 - 14:30

Walter P. Carter Demolition and Traffic Study Information Session

Location: Walter P. Carter Elementary/Middle School, 820 E. 43rd Street, Baltimore, MD 21212

Join the 21st Century School Buildings Program for Walter P. Carter building demolition and traffic study discussion.

The demolition and construction session will focus on dust management, truck traffic, and hazardous material and rodent abatement during construction of the Walter P. Carter building.

Calendar Date: 
Thursday, April 25, 2019 - 17:30

Govans Design & Pre-Construction Meeting

Construction on the new Govans building is scheduled to begin in July. Join the construction company, Keller Construction Management, and 21st Century School Buildings Program to learn more about the design of the new school and impacts of school construction on the operation of the school program and on the surrounding community.

Calendar Date: 
Wednesday, March 27, 2019 - 18:00


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